Day 3: The AI Ascension Workshop
How To Pack Your Pipeline On Autopilot Every Day, Without Worrying About Ad Spend, Stacking
Your Monthly Recurring Revenue On Autopilot
And Bringing In $7,500 Cash Injections.
How To Pack Your Pipeline On Autopilot Every Day, Without Worrying About Ad Spend,
Stacking Your Monthly Recurring Revenue On Autopilot
And Bringing In
$7,500 Cash Injections.
The AI Ascension Mastermind Will
Transform Your Business.
Watch Day 3 Of The Workshop Below:
The AI Ascension Mastermind
Will Transform Your Business.
Watch Day 3 Of The Workshop Below:
Black Friday Special Offer -- Save $994

This Black Friday Offer Will Give You Access To Our In-Demand Mastermind PLUS Our Complete
AI Systems, Processes And Of Course,
The Powerful Funnel System...

The AI Ascension Mastermind
The AI Ascension Mastermind will give you the capability to leverage a system that's in extremely high-demand. This is the same process that allows you to pack your pipeline automatically every single day, using the power of Paid Ads WITHOUT having to worry about Ad Spend!
This Mastermind will give you the complete step-by-step process to build an incredibly powerful Lead Generation System for your business, without having to take sales calls with ice cold prospects. The buyer leads will flow into your pipeline every single day completely on autopilot, without having to send Direct Messages to strangers or post hour after hour of content.
This system also gives you the AI systems to provide a $7,500 offer to Clients, allowing you to create your own AI Power Offer that nobody else can match or compete with. This is a complete NO-BRAINER for Clients because they can generate their leads with no acquisition cost. The the AI Ascension framework solves a significant problem in the market for Business Owners. You will move into a high-demand area which means you don't struggle for Clients.
The problems we solve for Business Owners with this specific process are extremely valuabele and we are paid VERY WELL to do this!

Stack Your Sticky, Monthly Recurring Revenue (Save $497)
Within your business, you need a rock-solid foundation where you don't start from zero every single month. You need to build a stack of more passive, sticky, monthly recurring revenue that flows in every month on autopilot. This gives you the freedom to build and grow, knowing you are secure.
With our Black Friday Offer, we have created a complete AI Protocol to rapidly build your own Ascension system and have Clients coming without a sales call, building up your monthly recurring revenue daily. This allows you to create your own warm audience of prospects who love what you do, pay you every month and then ascending naturally, without any high-pressure tactics into your high-ticket $7,500 offer.
This is the same system that can stack your monthly recurring revenue while feeding through high-ticket cash injections whenever you want them. This is the secret behind building a freedom-focused lifestyle, giving you control over your income and your time.
This is a GAMECHANGER and allows you to grow your business on autopilot,, 24/7, even while you sleep. This is the exact system we use to grow our income month after month without having to spend a fortune.

Access Our High-Converting AI Mapped Funnel ($7,500 If You Asked Us To Build This For You - You Get It AS A BONUS TODAY!)
With this Black Friday Offer, we have taken the entire Funnel System that has directly generated well over 7-figures and mapped it with AI.
This means you can immediately take this Funnel System and completely customize it to your offer or any offer, rapidly with AI. This isn't just any old funnel, this is powerful and it converts at an exceptionally high rate.
With our AI System, you can instantly have high-converting, master-level copy created on the page as well as all of our image templates that are editable. For the first time ever, you can take the entire funnel structure, edit it all so quickly and launch it.
On top of that, you will also have access to our entire AI Product Creation System, allowing you to create expert-level Digital Products for your ascension funnel, or for any Client all using AI. This isn't just some old generic content, this system allows you to take stacks of content and actually pull from hundreds of content sources automatically to create incredible Digital Product. This gives you unmatched power when it comes to Lead Generation and Service Delivery.
Want To Know More About
The AI Ascension Mastermind?

This Black Friday Offer Will Give You Access To Our In-Demand Mastermind PLUS Our Complete
AI Systems, Processes And Of Course,
The Powerful Funnel System...

The AI Ascension Mastermind
The AI Ascension Mastermind will give you the capability to leverage a system that's in extremely high-demand. This is the same process that allows you to pack your pipeline automatically every single day, using the power of Paid Ads WITHOUT having to worry about Ad Spend!
This Mastermind will give you the complete step-by-step process to build an incredibly powerful Lead Generation System for your business, without having to take sales calls with ice cold prospects. The buyer leads will flow into your pipeline every single day completely on autopilot, without having to send Direct Messages to strangers or post hour after hour of content.
This system also gives you the AI systems to provide a $7,500 offer to Clients, allowing you to create your own AI Power Offer that nobody else can match or compete with. This is a complete NO-BRAINER for Clients because they can generate their leads with no acquisition cost. The the AI Ascension framework solves a significant problem in the market for Business Owners. You will move into a high-demand area which means you don't struggle for Clients.
The problems we solve for Business Owners with this specific process are extremely valuabele and we are paid VERY WELL to do this!

Build Stacks Of Passive, Monthly Recurring Income Leveraging AI.
Within your business, you need a rock-solid foundation where you don't start from zero every single month. You need to build a stack of more passive, sticky, monthly recurring revenue that flows in every month on autopilot. This gives you the freedom to build and grow, knowing you are secure.
With our Black Friday Offer, we have created a complete AI Protocol to rapidly build your own Ascension system and have Clients coming without a sales call, building up your monthly recurring revenue daily. This allows you to create your own warm audience of prospects who love what you do, pay you every month and then ascending naturally, without any high-pressure tactics into your high-ticket $7,500 offer.
This is the same system that can stack your monthly recurring revenue while feeding through high-ticket cash injections whenever you want them. This is the secret behind building a freedom-focused lifestyle, giving you control over your income and your time.
This is a GAMECHANGER and allows you to grow your business on autopilot,, 24/7, even while you sleep. This is the exact system we use to grow our income month after month without having to spend a fortune.

Access Our High-Converting AI Mapped Funnel ($7,500 If You Asked Us To Build This For You - You Get It AS A BONUS TODAY!)
With this Black Friday Offer, we have taken the entire Funnel System that has directly generated well over 7-figures and mapped it with AI.
This means you can immediately take this Funnel System and completely customize it to your offer or any offer, rapidly with AI. This isn't just any old funnel, this is powerful and it converts at an exceptionally high rate.
With our AI System, you can instantly have high-converting, master-level copy created on the page as well as all of our image templates that are editable. For the first time ever, you can take the entire funnel structure, edit it all so quickly and launch it.
On top of that, you will also have access to our entire AI Product Creation System, allowing you to create expert-level Digital Products for your ascension funnel, or for any Client all using AI. This isn't just some old generic content, this system allows you to take stacks of content and actually pull from hundreds of content sources automatically to create incredible Digital Product. This gives you unmatched power when it comes to Lead Generation and Service Delivery.
Want To Know More About
The AI Ascension Mastermind?

This Is The Next Generation Of Agency Owner, With A Client Acquisition Machine That Operates On Autopilot, A Foundation Of Passive Monthly Recurring Revenue And High Ticket Cash-Injections When You Want Them -- This Is Complete Control.
This Process Stacks MRR And Closes High Ticket Deals, Without Offering Crazy Guarantees Or Leveraging Case Studies.
The AI Ascension Mastermind will give you an incredibly powerful Lead Generation Machine, allowing you to leverage Paid Ads WITHOUT having to worry about ad spend. It builds an audience of piping hot buyer leads, stacks sticky monthly recurring revenue AND gives you $7,500+ Cash Injections whenever you want them!
The AI Ascension Mastermind will give you an incredibly powerful Lead Generation Machine, allowing you to leverage Paid Ads WITHOUT having to worry about ad spend. It builds an audience of piping hot buyer leads, stacks sticky monthly recurring revenue AND gives you $7,500+ Cash Injections whenever you want them!
The AI Ascension Mastermind Will
Transform Your Business With A Lucrative, High-Demand Power
Offer And Pack Your Pipeline On Autopilot With This Step-By-Step Roadmap:
The AI Ascension Mastermind Will
Transform Your Business With A Lucrative, High-Demand
Power Offer And Pack Your Pipeline On Autopilot
With This Step-By-Step Roadmap:

Automatically Bring In New Clients Daily With No Acquisition Cost By Levering The Ladder Funnel With AI.
The AI Ascension Mastermind gives you the complete system you need to rapidly build and launch your own high-powered Ladder Funnel using AI. This means you can attract buyer-leads on autopilot every single day without having to post endless hours of content, send DMs to strangers or spend a fortune on Marketing.
You can leverage Paid Ads with new customers flowing in daily, meaning you build your own internal warm audience of buyers WITHOUT getting on sales calls, you never have to look for leads again.

Stack Your Passive, Monthly Recurring Revenue Every Day On Autopilot Without Sales Calls
Within The AI Ascension Mastermind, you will have the capabilities to not only generate your own leads, but actually build up your sticky, passive, monthly recurring revenue daily.
Imagine the reality where, as your pipeline fills with warm leads each day, your monthly recurring revenue builds up automatically every single day. This compounds and builds up to create that powerful foundation with stability. This means your automatic income increases daily, without having to worry about it, allowing it to build and create that control and stability you need. You never have to start a month from zero ever again.

Leverage AI To Rapidly Create Expert-Level, In-Depth Products For Your New Ladder Funnel
Imagine a world where you could automatically leverage thousand of hours of content instantly, to create your own expert-level products to acquire new customers. These products sell automatically and liquidate all of your ad spend immediately, with no lag time.
Gone are the days of trying to conceptualize product and offer ideas, then spend MONTHS building them. You can now create powerful, in-demand intro products that actually sell, using our AI Systems within the AI Ascension Mastermind. This unlocks a world of opportunity for you!

High-Ticket, $7,500+, Cash Injections Whenever You Want Them, You Are Now In Control
As your powerful Client Acquisition System runs, as your sticky monthly recurring revenue builds, as your warm audience of buyers stacks up, it unlocks powerful opportunities at your fingertips. With a piping-hot audience who now trust you, you can bring in high-ticket Cash-Injections whenever you want to.
This means your profit can skyrocket as your rock-solid foundation builds. Imagine being able to choose when you want to work directly with Clients, not becuase you have to. Whenever you want an influx of $7500+ payments, you don't have to go out and find buyers, they come to you. They are magnetically attracted to your offer because they have been automatically indoctrinated into your world. You don't need case studies or stacks of testimonials or references anymore. This provides experiential proof which makes bringing in high-ticket Clients so much easier.
As your powerful Client Acquisition System runs, as your sticky monthly recurring revenue builds, as your warm audience of buyers stacks up, it unlocks powerful opportunities at your fingertips. With a piping-hot audience who now trust you, you can bring in high-ticket Cash-Injections whenever you want to.
This means your profit can skyrocket as your rock-solid foundation builds. Imagine being able to choose when you want to work directly with Clients, not becuase you have to. Whenever you want an influx of $7500+ payments, you don't have to go out and find buyers, they come to you. They are magnetically attracted to your offer because they have been automatically indoctrinated into your world. You don't need case studies or stacks of testimonials or references anymore. This provides experiential proof which makes bringing in high-ticket Clients so much easier.

Access An In-Demand Power-Offer That Nobody Else Can Compete With, Leveraging Experiential Proof.
As you build your own system, you rapidly build experience and confidence. The AI Ascension Mastermind gives you access to a Done-For-You $7,500+ Offer that's in high-demand right now. With the AI mechanisms. you can easily deliver quickly for Clients and provide a ridiculous amount of value to them.
Your buyers for this service actually come from your own system. The exact same system you can build for Clients. This means each prospect has experiential proof which then means, they don't ask for Case Studies, Testimonials or References. They have experienced the system working themselves which makes making high-ticket sales SO MUCH EASIER. This is the most powerful type of proof, they live and breathe it themselves!

Execution Case Study

Generated Over $60,000 Per Month Rapidly From Launch With An
Additional $14,000 In Sticky Monthly Recurring Revenue
This offer was leveraged with a Client who was struggling to consistently make sales. They were sick and tired of
constantly chasing new Clients and trying to find buyers for their offer starting at $6,800. They were stuck
generating leads from referrals and organic methods and they had no consistent lead flow.
By implementing this system, they achieved complete freedom because they could run Paid Ads without having to worry
about it. This gave them a daily influx of new buyer leads coming into their world and getting comfortable, completely on autopilot. They didn't have to worry about where their next deal was coming from, their pipeline was filling up constantly.
They went from struggling to hit $15,000 per month for 6 months, to launching and hitting their first $60,000 month,
with an additional $14,000 in monthly recurring revenue built-in.
This meant instead of starting from scratch every month, chasing new deals and leads and constantly struggling, they
knew they had $14,000 flowing in to kick-start them, alongside fresh leads daily without the huge expense.
This system completely transformed their business.
What Level Of Results Do People Achieve With Our Masterminds?

Mobin Joined Our Masterminds & ABSOLUTELY KILLED IT!
Our Masterminds make all the difference, they give an Agency Owner complete confidence and clarity over their process.
Mobin implemented the process within our Masterminds to the letter and started closing deals rapidly. His previous Clients were for SEO, Social Media and PPC, normally charging about $500 / month.
He leveraged the the process and immediately started closing HUGE DEALS within a few weeks. In fact, he started to turn new deals away because he wanted to systemize his fulfillment process.
He went from struggling to pack his calendar to having deals coming into the pipeline from every angle, simply because he had an in-demand offer that solved true problems for business owners.
He was able to speak to prospects with confidence because he felt such clarity in this system. He hit $55,000 in a SINGLE DAY and also generated enough profit to finally achieve his dream, buying his own house in Dubai!

From Never Booking A Sales Call To 19 Calls In 14 Days
LJ became joined our Masterminds and transformed from having never booked a Sales Call using Paid Ads, to booking 19 calls in 14 days with a $20 per day budget.
He worked on his sales process and closed his first 3 Clients rapidly, generating over $10,000 in revenue. It's almost unheard of for an Agency Owner to jump from ZERO to $10k that fast.
The process gave him an offer structure that business owners actually needed. He studied the offer and the sales process, becoming comfortable and packed his calendar.
Remember, the Lead Generation System we use is the EXACT SAME SYSTEM we sell to the business owner. This means LJ proved his system worked before the Client came on the call. This helped him close big deals without Case Studies.

Then We Have Trey, Hitting His First $20,000 Month
Rapidly After Launching!
Having never worked in the Marketing space before, coming directly from the Mortgage Industry, Trey implemented the systems within our Masterminds and went on to then hitting over $20,000 in his first month.
Seriously, an incredible achievement and it goes to show what is possible when you follow the process to the letter. From no experience, no case studies, no references... nothing.
All the way to achieveing what most Agency Owners take YEARS to achieve -- $20,000 in a month!

Or How About Brian, Hitting Over $20,000 Starting From Scratch Within His First Month From Launch!
Brian said he started from zero, and brought in multiple deals within our Masterminds, generating $20,500 in UPFRONT CASH, with commission deals on the backend too.
Again, he didn't have any case studies with this process and system, it was brand new. Yet another Mastermind Member, crossing this HUGE MILESTONE in his first month.
This is the secret, when you are in a river that's flowing quickly, in booming markets because you follow the process, the deals start to flow and it becomes magnetic!
How would everything change if you had a first month like this? It's possible, you simply have to take action.

Or How About Lee, Also Hitting Over $20,000 Starting From Zero, No Experience With This, In His First 31 Days From Launch!
Lee implemented the systems we teach within our Masterminds and hit $20,000 within his first 31 days. He didn't have any Case Studies or experience with these systems, yet still managed to hit a $20,000 month.
This is the result of consistent implemetation, following the step-by-step blueprint and showing up every day. It's possible, you can do this too.
These systems are proven and they are powerful. The success we achieve within our Masterminds is unparelled, you simply need to follow the blueprint.
Is The AI Ascension Mastermind
The Right Fit For You?
The AI Ascension Process is specifically designed for those who are motivated to build a system that consistently brings in leads, create passive, monthly recurring income and also
want those nice, high-ticket cash injections on the side.
This is a complete process, A-Z. We teach you absolutely everything to develop an incredibly powerful and lucrative skillset. If anything I'm about to showcase below resonates with you, you NEED to hop on the AI Ascension pathway immediately and get ahead of the market
-- This is YOUR CHANCE!

You Are Looking For A Crystal Clear,
Step-By-Step Roadmap That You Can Follow
The AI Ascension Mastermind gives you the complete A-Z roadmap for this entire model. This is a next-level skillset that gives you the power to generate buyer leads on autopilot, leverage paid ads without worrying about ad spend with leads flowing in every day. You will have the ability to build your passive, monthly recurring income on autopilot as well leverage high-ticket cash injections without needing case studies. This will give you the entire AI systems and processes as well as a simple, in-demand service you can offer to Clients for $7,500+ whenever you want to without relying on Client work.
This is the in-depth roadmap covering the entire model. We cover absolutely everything making this as "Plug & Play" as we possibly can. This will become the complete framework for your Agency, everything you need in one place. We have covered the process in-depth, including troubleshooting if you ever face an issue. This will become your bread and butter!

You Need An Offer That Sets You Apart From The Competition, In
A Booming Market Without Offering Ridiculous Guarantees
We've all seen it before, offers with CRAZY GUARANTEES everywhere in the market offering to pay you $1,000 if they don't achieve results. These offers are getting old and can create more problems than they are worth. If you need an offer that's actually in-demand and solves a problem for a business owner, where you are paid upfront without any guarantees -- you have found your answer.
The AI Ascension Mastermind will give you the complete offer framework, including the target markets and the pricing with deliverables. This won't be guesswork, you take a proven offer and enter a proven market. You don't need Case Studies because the system proves itself to the Client when they book a call. Do you know how powerful it is on a sales call to simply ask -- how did you book this call?

You Want An Offer That Gives You Access To Tier 1 -- High Quality Clients Where You Can Command Fees Of $7,500+ For Your Work
I'm guessing you are this far down the page because, just like me, you are sick and tired of bottom of the barrel Clients who nickel and dime you. The same Clients who text you at 2am for updates on a campaign that launched 2 hours ago. You are tired of $500 per month Clients who demand all of your time and attention, as if they are paying you $10,000 per month.
You have probably heard that Tier 1 Clients just let you get on with your work without the hassle, right? It's true, the AI Ascension Mastermind gives you access to premier Clients that you actually want to work with, magnetically attracted to you within your warm audience. The Clients who pay you $7,500+ to set up the system and the Clients who are happy to pay you $10k+ per month because you make
them FAR more money than that!

You Want To Build A Strong Foundation Of Passive, Monthly Recurring Revenue And Never Start From Zero Again
It becomes absolutely exhausting, spinning in a cycle where you need to chase every little bit of income down, with unpaid invoices or having to find new Clients every month. It makes trying to grow your business so much harder because you basically reset every month and you have no stability or foundation to make decisions on. It doesn't have to be this way.
This Mastermind is for you if you want to build a rock-solid foundation of sticky, monthly recurring income that is more passive in nature, automatically flowing in each month. You don't have to get on sales calls or deliver services to do this. It can be completely automated. Yet you can build up sticky MRR that compounds month after month, with no acquisition cost. This can grow to $10,000, $20,000 and much more. Imagine a world where you can make decisions because you know you have the bills covered with low maintenance, automatic income flowing in. This changes everything.

You Want A Lead Generation System That Brings In New Leads Every Single Day, Completely On Autopilot With No Acquisition Cost.
If you want a system that consistently brings in leads and actually pays for itself daily, the AI Ascension Mastermind is the right fit for you. Imagine a reality where, on a daily-basis, you have 5-10 buyer leads coming into your world. People who have actually paid you money to get involved, who are much more serious and qualified. This becomes a warm audience which means you never have to look for leads again. You would have your own, internal, piping-hot buyer list.
These leads come in, without a sales call. You don't have to send DMs, you don't have to post hundreds of hours of content and you don't have to spend a fortune. You can leverage the powerful world of Paid Ads without having to worry about the ad spend. Imagine a world where you can spend $100 on paid ads tomorrow, get $100 back same-day plus 4 buyers leads coming into your world. It all becomes so much easier as you know how to generate leads, you don't have to chase them, they are pre-qualified buyers and they are warming up to you 24/7, making ascending them into your core high ticket offer, so much easier.

This Process Will Take Your Business To The Next Level With Automatic Lead Generation That Pays For Itself.
The AI Ascension Mastermind will give you direct access to powerful AI, which makes launching your own Ladder Funnel so much easier. This means you can run Paid Ads all day long and never worry about ad spend. It's put back into your pocket, same-day plus buyer leads to go with it!
What if you could have a system that produced 5-10 buyer leads every single day, without sending DMs to strangers, without sales calls and without posting hours of content?
What if you could leverage automated lead generation without having to pay for it, bring in qualified leads which then create a piping hot internal audience for you whenever you want it?
Then while all of this happens, your passive, monthly recurring revenue grows daily without even having to think about it. On top of that, you are then closing $7,500+ deals only with Clients you want to work with, from your new warm audience, who are magnetically attracted to you?

“With The AI Ascension Mastermind, You Can Leverage Powerful AI To Create An In-Demand Power Offer”

By using the AI Mechanisms within the AI Ascension Mastermind, you can create expert-level products instantly. This allows you to automatically pull from HUNDREDS of hours of content, to create a masterpiece. You can also offer this plus the DFY funnel build to a client for at least $7,500. This has never been possible before this AI process, this is your opportunity, right here, right now!

Your Entire Process Is Clear & Defined.
This Means You Don't Have To
Reinvent The Wheel Every Time.
You Have A Roadmap.
Within The AI Ascension Mastermind, our focus is on our specific process. You will have a crystal clear roadmap on exactly how to use the AI Mechanisms and how to create your own powerful Ladder Funnel. This builds your buyer pipeline automatically, stacks your monthly recurring revenue, gives you high-ticket cash injections AND gives you a simple service you can provide commanding $7,500 fees (without the need for testimonials or references!)

Want A Sneak-Peek Of
The AI Ascension Mastermind?
This Mastermind Is Broken Down Into A Complete, Step-By-Step Roadmap Which
Makes It Much Easier To Implement Successfully. Within Each Section,
We Dive Into Each Aspect With No Stone Left Unturned.
The Modules Within This Section:
▶️ Welcome To The AI Ascension Mastermind
▶️ Mastermind Office Hours
▶️ Huge Opportunity In the Market
▶️ What You Should Charge
▶️ How To Position This Offer
▶️ How Do You Generate Your Leads?
▶️ The Capabilities You With Have
▶️ The Ultimate Ecosystem You Need
▶️ The Mindset You Need
The Modules Within This Section:
▶️ The Fundamentals Of Your Ecosystem
▶️ Your Complete EcoSystem
▶️ The Funnel Structure For You & Your Clients
▶️ The Key Behind Mastering This System
▶️ TYour Fulfillment & Lead Generation Become One
The Modules Within This Section:
▶️ The Ladder Funnel Psychology
▶️ Creating Your Intro Product - Working Backwards from the C.A.E. process
▶️ What does the intro product look like - AI capabilities to do this
▶️ Creating Your Intro Product Outline
▶️ Creating Your Intro Product Content With AI
▶️ Ascension Built Into The Program
▶️ Examples of Ascension Built Into The Program
▶️ Building Your Slide Deck With AI
▶️ Creating a Custom Theme in Gamma Using Existing Slide Content
▶️ Creating a Custom Theme in Gamma Using Brand Kit
▶️ Building Your Slide Deck With Canva
▶️ Recording Your Program
▶️ Recording With AI
▶️ Intro Product Ideas
▶️ Creating Intro Products For Your Client
▶️ Using AI To Produce Your Expert-Level Knowledge Bank
▶️ Hosting Your Intro Product in GHL
The Modules Within This Section:
▶️ Your Order Bump Structure
▶️ Conceptualizing an Order Bump With AI
▶️ Creating The Order Bump
▶️ Order Bump Examples
▶️ Live Order Bump Example 1
▶️ Live Order Bump Example 2
▶️ Generating Expert-Level Text-Based Template Content With AI
The Modules Within This Section:
▶️ The Upsell Product Alignment
▶️ Creating Additional Content For Your Recurring Upsell With AI
▶️ The Automations & Product Access
▶️ The Backend Upsell Email Sequence Automation
▶️ Generating The Backend Upsell Email Sequence With AI
▶️ The Welcome Email Sequence Automation
▶️ Generating the Welcome Email Sequence Content With AI
▶️ The Product Setup Walkthrough
▶️ Generating Lesson Descriptions With AI
▶️ Generating Content For Walkthrough Lesson Descriptions
▶️ The Client Portal
The Modules Within This Section:
▶️ The Essential Elements of the Ladder Funnel
▶️ The Psychology Of The Ladder Funnel
▶️ Ladder Funnel Walkthrough
▶️ Copywriting Masterclass
▶️ Creating Your Funnel Quickly
▶️ Funnel Map With AI Demo
▶️ Funnel Map With AI - FulFillment
▶️ The Funnel Imagery
▶️ Intro Product Page
▶️ Checkout Page
▶️ Upsell Page
▶️ Thank You Page
The Modules Within This Section:
▶️ How To Ascend Users Into Your High End Done For You Offer
▶️ The Content Magnet
▶️ Email Sequences With Promotion Strategy - Automations
▶️ Email Sequences With Promotion Strategy - Content
▶️ Your Streamlined Call Booking Funnel
▶️ Creating Your VSL With AI
▶️ The Right Place Right Time Strategy
The Modules Within This Section:
▶️ The Ads Structure For Your Ladder Funnel
▶️ The Ad Creative
▶️ The Ad Copy With AI
▶️ Your Ad Targeting
▶️ The Ad Campaign Setup Walkthrough
▶️ Retargeting
▶️ Buyer Retargeting With A Call Booking Funnel
▶️ Your Target Metrics
The Modules Within This Section:
▶️ Client Fulfillment Roadmap To Implement the System
▶️ On-Boarding Dynamic Form
▶️ Logistics Set-Up Within GoHighLevel
▶️ Should You use SKOOL Or A Direct Funnel?
▶️ Client Communication Essentials
▶️ Your Client Tracking Mechanisms
▶️ Google Drive Folder Organization Walkthrough
▶️ The Project Tracker
▶️ Your Pre-Launch Checklist

Client Results: Check Out Some More Feedback Provided By Our Clients...

Ready To Join The
AI Ascension Mastermind?
Join Today & Get Instant Access To The Complete Mastermind.
Choose The Plan That Best Fits Your Business:
One-Time Payment - $750
Receive the incredible value of The AI Ascension Mastermind for our lowest price and save $414 instantly, Including The AI Systems and the complete AI Funnel Map to plug-in! (Save An Additional $994!) -- Total Saving $1,408.
One time fee, lifetime access.This is the offer that helped me reach my first six-figure month and scale beyond it. Unlock the power of the AI Ascension Mastermind today.

3-Payment Plan - 3 Payments Of $297
Spread the payment out over 3 months and save $273! Including Including The AI Systems and the complete AI Funnel Map to plug-in! (Save An Additional $994!) -- Total Saving $1,267.
This plan gives you complete access for 3 payments of $297 over the course of 3 months. This will help you save over $250 on the total cost!

Frequently Asked Questions:
Does This Mastermind Cover Everything?
This Mastermind is A-Z, we cover every single aspect of this process from your Lead Generation Systems to your step-by-step fulfillment process. We have live walkthroughs for each aspect, showing you absolutely everything you need to know.
Do You Provide Plug & Play Templates?
Yes, absolutely! We have pre-built templates for each aspect already built for you. You don't even have to pay for funnel software, we give you access to GoHighLevel if you need it, at no cost! This means we can plug the entire business model, into your world without the headache of building everything out.
Do I Need To Invest In Paid Ads?
The beauty of this system is that you can run Paid Ads WITHOUT having to worry about the ad spend. It's engineered where you can actually run paid ads and have the ad spend return to you same-day. When you truly feel how this works, the pieces of the puzzle will all click together and you will see just how powerful this opportunity is.
Is This A Course Or A Program?
This is a development process. This means it does come with a full back-end program and resource bank with absolutely everything you need. This is a model you can plug directly into your world. This isn't just "information", this is a full-scale process that you can implement with step-by-step instruction.

Do You Provide Guidance On Sales?
Yes, we have an entire sales process for you. Remember, the system we use for Lead Generation within the AI Ascension Mastermind. is the same process we implement into our Client's business. This means when the Client books a sales call in your calendar, they prove the system works which makes closing so much easier.
Do You Provide Help With Niche-Selection?
Yes, the key with the AI Ascension process is it is proven, we don't want to reinvent the wheel. We have our most lucrative, proven niches where you can take our recommendations and implement this model immediately. Take a working system and plug it in instead of starting from scratch.
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